Malta is tricky. Spread over an area of slightly more than 300 square kilometres, this fun-size archipelago in the pure waters of the Mediterranean Sea is the world's tenth smallest country. To give you an idea just how tiny that is: the world’s biggest country, Russia, is exactly 54,108-fold its size. But if you think that means the Maltese islands are lacking in anything, prepare to be wrong. Its history is no less than 7,000 years in the making and is insanely rich. The same goes for its cultural heritage. Did you know that Malta is home to the oldest free-standing structures ever discovered on Earth? Some of the Megalithic temples scattered around the islands date back as far as the 4th millennia BC and already stood when Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids were just being built. No to mention the fact that Malta is not one but three islands. That means plenty of beach life, and then some. The main island, Malta, and its scenic sisters, Gozo and Comino, all have their own draws but share one common trait: locals’ legendary hospitality.