What is the cheapest month to fly from Abu Dhabi to Athens?
Flying with Wizz Air, February is usually the cheapest month to fly from Abu Dhabi International Airport to Athens International Airport (Eleftherios Venizelos Airport).
When is the best time to visit Athens?
April to May and September to October is known to be the best time to plan your visit to Athens, with mild temperatures it makes exploring the city easy with a lot less crowds to deal with. Accommodation prices are low and service is better all around, during your stay you will be able to partake in Greece’s biggest blowout holiday Orthodox Easter, this is a week-long celebration that takes place during the months of either April or May. June to August is the high season in Athens as temperatures become blazing hot and costs increase, you will be able to enjoy the festival season as well as the city’s beach club scene. June is when many national and international performers have shows, an event that you would not want to miss is the Athens Epidaurus Festival.
How to get from Athens International Airport (Eleftherios Venizelos Airport) to Athens?
Athens Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport (ATH) airport is located 27 kilometres east of Athens’ city centre, bordering the suburb of Spáta. A railway station is immediately adjacent to the airport terminal, with metro line no. 3 and suburban railway service Proastiakos heading right into the city. Bus line no. X93, X95, X96 and X97 also connect the airport directly with the capital. Taxi and car rental options are available.
How do I offset the carbon emissions of a Abu Dhabi to Athens flight?
As part of our commitment to reduce carbon emissions, we've launched a carbon offsetting scheme. Input the details of your London to Athens into our travel footprint calculator to calculate your carbon emissions. You can choose to offset your emissions by making a payment supporting two verified carbon-reducing projects. You will receive a certificate in return, recognizing the offset emissions.